Church Hall - General Conditions of Hire
St John the Baptist, Shiphay Collaton, TorquayHall rooms are available for hire at very reasonable rates. For more information contact the Parish Administrator on 01803 401316. You can download and print the single hire application form

1) CHRISTIAN BELIEFS – Those wanting to hire the Hall whose purposes are incompatible with Christian beliefs will not be accepted.
2) CHARGE – At the time of booking a non-refundable deposit of £25 is required from the hirer to hold the booking so that the full fees can be paid nearer to the event. All hire charges paid by cheque should be made payable to St. John the Baptist, PCC and sent to the Church Administrator. If payment is made by cheque it MUST be submitted no less than 14 days in advance. Cash payments can also be made and receipts are available on request for either method of payment. Sorry, but we are unable to accept payments by Debit or Credit card.
3) REFUNDS – In the event that the hirer is unable to take up the booking for any reason the hirer will remain responsible for the full cost of the booked time. In exceptional circumstance ONLY the Church’s Hall and Fabric Committee may use its discretion to make a full refund.
4) SUPERVISION – The hirer will be responsible for the supervision of the arrangements and activities in the Church Hall during the period of hire and the prevention of disorderly behaviour. The Church’s Hall and Fabric Committee shall not be held responsible for any accident arising from the use of special apparatus brought into the Church Hall (see also paragraphs 13-17 below)
5) LEADERS – The hirer, or responsible person nominated by him/her in writing, shall be responsible during the whole period the Church Hall is let.
6) COMPLETION OF HIRING – The hirer must keep the Church Hall and any equipment therein in a clean and orderly state and leave it so on the expiration of the time for which the Church Hall is hired. If hall equipment is moved, the hall should be reinstated to its original state and all items returned to their allocated space. All rubbish MUST be bagged and taken off-site for alternative disposal. An additional charge of £50 will be incurred if all criteria have NOT been satisfied. Hiring of the Church Hall that is likely to offend the public – e.g. loud disco music – will not be allowed. Hirers are required to ensure that all windows, doors/fire doors are closed and/or locked at the end of the hire period.
7) COMPLAINTS – Any complaints by the hirer in respect of the use of the Church Hall or of any of the arrangements connected therewith must be made in writing within 48 hours of the cause thereof to a member of the Church’s Hall and Fabric Committee or to the Church Administrator.
8) FITTINGS AND DECORATIONS – No nails, screws or other means of fastening shall be attached, driven or screwed into the walls, floors, doors or other surfaces of the rooms.
9) EQUIPMENT – No tables, chairs or other equipment or fittings are to be hired out or removed from the Church Hall except by express permission of the Church’s Hall and Fabric Committee.
10) LIABILITY – The hirer shall be liable for and shall indemnify the Church’s Hall and Fabric Committee against all costs, charges, claims or actions in respect of any injury to any person unless due to the negligence of the Church’s Hall and Fabric Committee or any loss of or damage to property during the course of or arising from the hiring. All articles brought into the Church Hall are at the owner’s risk and the Church’s Hall and Fabric Committee will not be responsible for any loss of or damage to clothing or property of any person.
11) SMOKING – Smoking is NOT permitted in the Church Hall. Facilities are provided outside the main door.
12) AMPLIFIED MUSIC – Amplified music is not permitted after 10.30 p.m. on any day of the year.
13) FIRE PRECAUTIONS - It is the responsibility of the hirer to familiarise themselves with the published procedures for evacuating the premises and the whereabouts of and access to fire extinguishers and fire exits. Regular users should institute six-monthly drills to ensure that their plans for evacuating the premises will function in all circumstances.
14) ACCIDENTAL INJURY – The hirer carries responsibility for arranging for the treatment of any injury. Details of the injury and of the treatment arranged should be recorded in the Church Hall Accident Book as well as any documentation the hirer might wish to keep.
15) HEALTH AND SAFETY – Whilst the Church’s Hall and Fabric Committee will take every precaution to ensure that the building is a safe and healthy environment it is the responsibility of the hirer to ensure that all activities within the premises are conducted in a safe manner. Please observe advisory signs displayed around the building. If the hirer should find any defect in the property the Church’s Hall and Fabric Committee or the Church Administrator should be advised within 48 hours (see para.5 above) and steps should be taken by the hirer to remove the defective item from further use, pending repair or disposal by the Church’s Hall and Fabric Committee.
16) ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT – As part of our Health and Safety commitment the Church’s Hall and Fabric Committee are obliged to point out the following. There is now a legal requirement that all electrical equipment used in public buildings must be Portable Appliance Tested (“PAT” tested) and that equipment cannot be used unless it has tested satisfactorily. The Church’s Hall and Fabric Committee, or in their absence the Church Administrator, must therefore have sight of a current PAT Test Certificate for every item of electrical equipment intended to be used during the hire of the Church Hall prior to the beginning of the hire.
17) AMENDMENTS TO THESE CONDITIONS OF HIRE - Any request to change these Conditions of Hire must be addressed to the Church’s Hall and Fabric Committee a minimum of two months prior to the hire beginning.
For more information contact the Parish Administrator on 01803 401316. You can download and print the single hire application form